By Balcony
United Kingdom
What to do with a glut of Strawberries?
Last Wednesday I picked 3 punnets of Strawberries! Now, what do I do with a glut of Strawberries? One punnet had 850gm, another had 900gm & the third had a kilo! So I’ve got nearly 3 kilos of them?
Recipes, please!
Can Strawberries be frozen? If so, how are they prepared? I noticed after washing them & leaving them to dry they lose their lovely bright red shiny, appearance! When you bring them home from the supermarket they look just picked but mine lose their brilliance very quickly, anyone any idea why & how that shiny appearance can be conserved?

3 Jun, 2011
What a great problem to have. We'd just eat them at every meal, no problem!
Jam is a good idea if you can't manage to eat them all fresh. Yummy! :-)
3 Jun, 2011
Strawberry Jam and Strawberry snow, Strawberry milk shakes I would say and eat and eat and eat them but my father had a nasty rash after eating his way through a glut. How about swapping a few for other produce you dont grow?
3 Jun, 2011
what a lovely dilemma to have... try here?
waitrose have a recipe for a strawberry baked alaska too, yummy!
they don;t freeze well, but frozen ones go great at the bottom of strawberry jelly and helps it cool and set too...
3 Jun, 2011
I'm eating mine with breakfast muesli nearly every day at the moment.
4 Jun, 2011
I've had smoothies & I love them! :-))
Thanks for the the Strawberry recipe link, Heidib. It looks like a very interesting site! I'll have to try my hand at some of them!
5 Jun, 2011
hi they look great, yes they change texture whenfrozen, u could make strawberry fool, gently heat strawbs till they go like pure', let them cool then whip fresh cream till stiff and fold in strawberry pure. U can freeze fresh cream if u whip it up stiff first, or it changes texture. you can also stew them add sugar and freeze, is good on ice cream then. Dont add liquid to the berries they will cook in their own juice.
14 Jun, 2011
Thanks, Cazcat, for your comments! Just got another punnet today of them! Not many left on the plants now! :-((
14 Jun, 2011
personally I'd jam them. you can freeze them but when they thaw they are mushy.
or make a sweet strawberry coulis and freeze that.
3 Jun, 2011