United Kingdom
can anyone tell me what this plant is please? I think it's sweet Woodfruff, the name sounds familiar, I uncovered it yesterday from a mess of old plants.

15 Jun, 2011
Nope, sweet woodruff has narrower leaves in whorls. I know this as golden oregano. As you've discovered it's a toughie, that spreads a bit, but is tenacious and reliable.
15 Jun, 2011
I think you've got a stem of goosegrass in there - Pull it out quick before it seeds!
15 Jun, 2011
Definately Golden Oregano. A real gem, especially in a dry spot with some sun. Really easy to propagate, just pull out a bit from the side of the plant with some roots attatched and stick in a pot of compost. It will take within a week and carry on like nothing has happened!
15 Jun, 2011
I think it is Golden Marjoram. If you squash a leaf between your fingers it will have a lovely herby smell. You can use it in all sorts of cooking and the tips are delicious in mixed salad leaves.
16 Jun, 2011
Arn't they one and the same?
16 Jun, 2011
Well, I thought so and I googled. Jekka's herb farm agrees that they are the same
16 Jun, 2011
thanks everyone, did I say thanks before??? I find it difficult to do what I want on here, I did contact the site and was told it was because I am aol, well,I'm not changing that halfway through my contract so will have to soldier on. It does mean though, that whenever I want to add a comment or blog, it often doesn't work, then I can't get to the bit where I can check if it's worked! I'm going out now to water the ground to try and dig a patch in a shady spot, oddly eneough I wanted something for that, and will put some of the oregano in it. I wrote this earlier in a blog but then was asked am I ready to publish, then the page went blank......
17 Jun, 2011
Oregano's situation of choice would be sunny and well drained, but as it's tough and a good doer it will probably survive in your shady spot.
17 Jun, 2011
Yes I agree, mine grows in a spot which is partially shady and does very well.
17 Jun, 2011
Looks a bit like oregano ( oreganum aureum) the golden oregano
15 Jun, 2011