By Longie
United Kingdom
I have several courgette plants and as plants they are all growing well but every flower, and there are many, is male. Can anyone tell me if this is usual, or if maybe I should be feeding them with something different, at present I am using miracle grow every two weeks. Or am I just impatient.
16 Jun, 2011
Also worth bearing in mind that Courgettes tend to produce a lot of male flowers first before the females appear - so you'll be all right.
16 Jun, 2011
I've been cutting off my male flowers - no point in the plant wasting energy on them .... hope i've been doing the right thing :)
16 Jun, 2011
Hi, pretty sure they will need the males for pollination. I used to hand pollinate my courgettes before I discovered the self pollinating ones because I had poor yields without doing that.
16 Jun, 2011
Most have my plants have a lot of fruits developing anyway so I'm using the same logic as with tomatoes - trying to concentrate on the ones that are there rather than having heaps.
16 Jun, 2011
I find courgettes produce a lot of male flowers in cooler weather. The past few years I've gone for parthenocarpic varieties that dont require pollination (which is useful) and also perform better in cool weather. They seem to produce a lot more female flowers. Two varieties are available Parthenon and Cavalli.
16 Jun, 2011