Could someone please tell me what this tree is?
United Kingdom
Can you please tell me, can you use Cherry Laurel as hedging and how poisonous is it?
On plant
Prunus laurocerasus

19 Jun, 2011
Hello its a Laurel, and if you want to hard prune it then it responds very well, if you so wish you could come right down on it and take the overhang back too.
19 Jun, 2011
Thank You very much for your replies. I will take your advice Julien and prune it back.
19 Jun, 2011
There may be birds nest in it? There was one in mine when I pruned it right back.
19 Jun, 2011
Thanks for the advise, I will watch out for bird nest.
19 Jun, 2011
Cherry Laurel, though, not a Bay Laurel.
20 Jun, 2011
Yep, Cherry laurel, or more specifically, Prunus laurocerasus.
20 Jun, 2011
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It could be a laurel
19 Jun, 2011