Pruning "Cirrossa" Wisley Cream"
By Dreeny8
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
I know that it is recommended that Clematis "Cirrohsa" should only be lightly pruned, but we want to (need to) replace the trellising and paint the fence. I realise it could be making new buds for early flowering, but if I miss one years flowering that's not a problem, but will it come to any harm. It has become somewhat ungainly and a good haircut might do it good, but I do not want to kill it off.
On plant
Cirrossa, Wisley Cream
- 20 Jun, 2011
You can prune them, and quite hard if necessary. Just make sure you leave enough growth for it to recover. Could you lay some of it down so you could tie it back up again? Difficult, I realise - yes, I've got one!
20 Jun, 2011