By Azure
United Kingdom
Advice on best small, shrubby tree around 10 - 12 feet
high ultimately with same spread giving colour interest
in Spring & Autumn for garden border in all day sun. Has
high hedge protection. Have very old Magnolia on the site at present, but do not like it!
at present, but don't like it!
24 Jun, 2011
What a shame to replace the old Magnolia, i'd give my eye teeth to have that in my garden !
Would you prefer an evergreen or deciduous tree ?
24 Jun, 2011
I agree with Louise! You'd have to go a long way to find a better shrub/ tree to replace an old established Magnolia. A hawthorn wouldn't be a good substitute to me. :-(
Are you sure you couldn't leave the Magnolia and add something to give interest in summer / autumn Azure. Underplant with Gentians, or scatter seeds of colourful annuals like godetia & cosmos under it.
24 Jun, 2011
Amelanchier 'Ballerina'.
24 Jun, 2011
Our Hawthorn is more than 10-12 feet! There are not many shrubs that give colour (apart from leaf) in autumn and spring. I have 6 Camellias facing NE and the oldest 24 + faces east and can flower from Christmas into May depending on variety and winter temperatures. They have shiny tough leaves and are pretty hardy too. We have a smallish Rowan too. Blossom, yellow berries the birds adore and nice leaves in autumn.
24 Jun, 2011
Why don't you leave the magnolia where it is Azure, and grow a clematis up it, or a rambling rose. That would give you the added colour you want without having to remove the magnolia. How big is this magnolia, anyway?If it's grown too big, you could trim it back, before you grow anything through it. Is it a white or pink one? You could try a deep purple clematis, or a dark red climber. Annie
24 Jun, 2011
I agree with Bamboo, Amelanchier is the best small tree. And it stays small too!
25 Jun, 2011
Hawthorn? Flowers in May, berries later. White, pink or red flowered varieties available.
24 Jun, 2011