Strange eggs........any ideas?
By Sid
United Kingdom
In an effort to burn off some of the festive chocies and biscuits I've been scoffing for days, today I got out in the garden. I was just trimming a shrub back that was growing out over the lawn and came across these eggs. There was quite a pile of them as you can see! Couldn't see any sign of 'mum'. They looked rather like those slow release fertiliser capsules you find in compost, but I don't use anything of the kind in my garden. I squashed one and it had very sticky clear fluid inside and a tiny embryo - but I couldn't make out what it was. Can anyone ID for me please? I don't like to destroy them until I know for sure they are a pest. I should add that they were not in the soil, but on the surface in the grass. Any ideas appreciated, thanks.

27 Dec, 2008
they are snail eggs if you have fish they will love these or as above lol
27 Dec, 2008
you should see giant african land snails they look like wet yellow peas lol
27 Dec, 2008
YUK, Sid! You will have to squish them all if you haven't got any fish. Rather you than me!
27 Dec, 2008
poar some salt on them if ya squeemish but not on ya plants
27 Dec, 2008
Wow. I've never seen snail eggs before. Must have been from a hefty size snail. Mind you, we only get little itsy bitsy ones here.
28 Dec, 2008
i found a pile of these, last year, - in a bag of compost that had been forgotten about, not sure if they were slugs or snails to be honest, but i am very squemish, so i just scooped them all up and put them in the rubish bin, - very naughty i know, but sure they will have been squashed when they went in the dust cart. eeerrrrrrrkkkkk!
28 Dec, 2008
Put them on a bird table or any hard surface - Blackbirds and Thrushes will enjoy them. Two jobs in one!
28 Dec, 2008
snails are bloody good at hiding as there on just about everythings menu and also they have very big egs for the size of them
28 Dec, 2008
A few weeks ago I was dismantling a small brick wall and found loads of these eggs. Alongside them were some very fat slugs, so I assumed the eggs were theirs. I just left them on the ground and saw lots of birds around that area the next morning so I guess they enjoyed the new breakfast.
28 Dec, 2008
balls of protien bite size slugs lay the same kind og eggs in the same sort of places
28 Dec, 2008
yep, chuck them on a birdtable; the blackbirds and robins will think it's Christmas all over again. Found a batch of the blighters myself the other day.
29 Dec, 2008
Hello Everyone - thanks for all your help! I thought the eggs might be slugs or snails, but I wasn't sure which, plus they don't look like the eggs I've found before which are smaller and transparent. Also I was surprised to find them on the grass instead of under the ground. If they are stilll there, I will feed them to my two little fishies - Rooster and Sphere - and the birdies can help themselves to the rest. they might have already found them since I trimmed that shrub back.
Gilli - yes, it must have been a BIG snail! Maybe I have a giant african snail like Np suggests!
Thanks again folks :-)
30 Dec, 2008
there are more than one kind of snail in your garden laying different size eggs ow and slugs
30 Dec, 2008
land snaiil eggs are bright yellow and as big as peas
30 Dec, 2008
Hi Np - well these are pretty big, but luckily I don't think they're quite a big as peas, so I don't think I have giant aftrican land snails x-) I have the big garden snails, the pretty yellow and brown stripy ones and also some curious hairy snails, but they're tiny. Oh, and pond snails, so that's 4 types. Never seen eggs like these before tho.........
30 Dec, 2008
commen garden snail eggs .the dark grey/brown ones.they lay them under ground so you dont see them that often unless you dig them up normaly.after all how many snails can you see now.
31 Dec, 2008
I don't see any now....they've all migrated to France for the winter and will come back in the spring to eat my delphiniums. These eggs were on the surface, not underground.
31 Dec, 2008
you mite of interupted something that braught them up or the snail messed up.if you know wear to look its a good time to get rid of snails.under the lips of plastic plant pots.under rubbish etc as thin a gap as they can get out the wind and weather.i know this because i feed my fish them
1 Jan, 2009
Ok thanks NP. As soon as the ice on the pond has melted I will feed the eggs to my fish....that's if the birds haven't found them first! Happy New Year :-)
1 Jan, 2009
happy new year
1 Jan, 2009
These look like snails eggs, squash them as you did the first one.
Slugs usually lay their eggs under the earth.
27 Dec, 2008