Where can I find the bunches of Willow Spears in a variety of colours, please
By Valfryer
United Kingdom
I am a brand new member and need to find these willow spears to start off my new meadow of 1/3 acre. I live near Cambridge, just in case someone knows of their availabilty close to me.
Thankyou to anyone who helps me. And a Happy New Year.
31 Dec, 2008
Yes, or get in touich with Noseypotter, he is in Norfolk and has knowledge of places in that area.
Also you may like to use cornus which comes in two colours, orange and red to give you a variation in your layout.
31 Dec, 2008
Hi, I was looking for the same the other day and came across this website
This shows all the willow available, but they do have other varieties available as well.
Just click on the picture of the willow you want and the choices give you different options for different sizes of whips, pretty cheap as well
31 Dec, 2008
I managed to get 80 willow whips on ebay for £1.00 I had to pay £25.00 for delivery though.
It's worth having a look around.
I built a willow dome, it is now starting it's third year and is fantastic. Take a look at my pics.
Good luck.
31 Dec, 2008
Trees i was thinking of doing this, as a replacement for my daughters playhouse, but was a bit worried that it might grow into great big trees, or become intrusive, how have you found this? the area i want to put it in would be approx 1.5m square.
31 Dec, 2008
Hi Val - it's a longshot, but Writtle College in Essex has lots of lovely Salix alba and Cornus in lots of colours. They will be cutting theirs in early spring and it might just be possible to phone them up and ask if you can have some - they might be kind and give you a load or they might ask for a payment, either way they have a good selection. Not too far from you I believe from when I lived down there??
31 Dec, 2008
Majeekahead take a look at my pics or put in willow or dome on the search and it should come up with some photos.
Mine is about the size you mentioned, lots of bare stems around now then it sendlots of fresh new shoots up that end up growing about 6 -12 ft long. These you can then cut of and either give away or like me use to make a willow fedge (fence/hedge) around my compost bins.
All you have to do is weave the stems inside one another or just cut them off.
1 Jan, 2009
another url to save and hope to find later! lots of good info, thanks all
30 Mar, 2014
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Hi there, if you type 'The willowbank mail order' in your search engine, you should get quite a good online company come up that suply mail order. - i recently looked into the idea of making a willow hidie hole for my daughter, they do sets for this and also i noticed that they do suply all sorts of coloured spears too. the prices seemed quite reasonable. hope this helps.
31 Dec, 2008