Pest Problem with winter pansies
By Dumbgardener
United Kingdom
Something is eating the flowers before they open. Have used Provado Ultimate bug killer as suggested by my local garden centre but it has not worked. The leaves remain untouched. Any advice would be appreciated(My pansies are in a pot not in the earth)
2 Jan, 2009
I had this problem one year and it seemed to be more with the yellow pansies, and the garden centre told me it was the birds eating the buds, they go more for the yellow buds, could be this now we are having a hard start to the Winter and not much natural food available!
3 Jan, 2009
I have the same problem with yellow polyanthus and was told it was birds...but think it could be slugs too.
3 Jan, 2009
I have had mine eaten and some leaves as well by a Chipmunk , but Rabbits and Squirrels might also have a go.
6 Jan, 2009
Most likely at this time of year it is earwigs. Provado will not kill these, very little does. Try putting a matchbox with a little dried grass near the pansies ( box a little open!) and see what you catch.
2 Jan, 2009