By Iannagington
United Kingdom
what months do lillies flower
6 Jul, 2011
In my part of the country, way up north, they are just budding up.
6 Jul, 2011
interesting question as i checked my lillies the other day and wondered why i had no flowers on them after further investigation i discovered the red lily beetle on the leaves , didnt realise there was such a invader until i checked the web looks like the bugs have eaten away at the small buds thus no flowers please check yours just in case
6 Jul, 2011
true lilies depending on the species as early as late april early may with the majority from June-August.
6 Jul, 2011
Our lilies flower pretty much as Sbg suggests.
6 Jul, 2011
Mine are just getting buds on now (I live on North East England coast) but you can buy them in B&Q here and they're already in full flower
6 Jul, 2011
my regulars which have been in a few years have all but gone but i put a new one in in april and its only jst budding now.
6 Jul, 2011
June brings tulips, lillies, roses - fills the children's hands with posies. Not sure about the tulips, they come a bit earlier!
7 Jul, 2011
Depends on variety but mostly July/August.
6 Jul, 2011