By Misscupcake
United Kingdom
Hello everyone hope you're having a good day. If like me your garden plans are on hold due to the rain maybe you have the time to answer a question............or two ;O)
I have the plant below (in the first pic) which I believe to be Bacopa. However it is very hardy and survived the terrible frost we had this year. It has incredible height and structure. I put Bacopia in the other wall but it really isn't a patch on the first wall I did. Could anyone please tell me what kind of Bacopa (or if) this is and how I could split it to put some in the other wall and in pots that I can over winter as I'm scared the frost may finally get it.
Thanks again
UPDATE: With help I have discovered that this is not Bacopa. I have therefore changed some of the pics. They are April/May/June. The plant has only four petals on each flower, most are white but a few are lilac, it is evergreen and quite woody underneath at present. It flowers continuously without a break in fact I don't remember it without flowers so am going to look at old pics to see if I can pinpoint when it exactely started flowering.

8 Jul, 2011
I wondered if the first 2 photos show Arenaria montana, but mine have 5 petals on each flower, not 4. It's a good grower, though and looks quite like your plant.
8 Jul, 2011
Hey Bamboo it has been in flower since early spring and has gone wild this year. It doesn't really stop flowering to be honest.
Hey Beattie I have 2 Arenaria Montana and it isn't the same. I hope I can find out what it is. If it helps the flowers are starting to turn pinky/lilac in some places.
8 Jul, 2011
I think that the first two could be Phlox.
8 Jul, 2011
i thought the first one might be a form of arabis or even a white aubretia.
the leaf doesnt look 'fine' enough for the phlox I have.
8 Jul, 2011
Yay sbg I think you're right I think it is a white aubretia........snow maiden to be exact. What do you guys think?
8 Jul, 2011
I'm with seaburn girl......possibly a white aubretia. I don't think Bacopa overwinters. If its an aubretia, it will root if you pull out a bunch of stems in autumn, make a slot withe a trowel, put the stems there and firm them in. It would root over winter.
8 Jul, 2011
Didn't aubretia finish flowering a month or two ago, though? And my arabis is well finished off too.
8 Jul, 2011
Thanks Dorjac I will do that so I have some for the other wall next year. Beattie I have a lot of aubretia (I should have recognised this) in my front and back garden but it's pink and still flowering it's socks off :0)
8 Jul, 2011
Well, lucky you! :-)
8 Jul, 2011
I think my aubretia would be back in good bloom right now, instead of just thinking about it. Our gardening friend strims it down a bit, some time back, bit of rain..... there was none at all. Then feed it and off it goes again for a less exuberant 2nd flowering.
8 Jul, 2011
I put some half dead aubretia in the front and it had pretty much no flowers at all and was all dry. I got 3 pots for a £1 so thought I'd give it a try and it's flowering it's socks of now. The one in the pic above was so dry a real mess the lady gave it to me for 10p a pot. Best bargain ever...........I love it :O)
8 Jul, 2011
You've got the wrong name - you should be "Missgreenfingers" then :-)
9 Jul, 2011
I don't agree at all - it's not an aubretia, it wouldn't have continued flowering without a break, and the leaves aren't right either. Do some of the flowers have five petals, or are they all just four?
9 Jul, 2011
All of them are four petals and I've never seen it without flowers this year. Shall I put some more pics on?
9 Jul, 2011
I'm mystified by this plant - it does superficially resemble aubretia, but is in flower too long - it also looks very phlox like, similar to P. procumbens, but they always have five petals to a flower.
9 Jul, 2011
I agree it does look very aubretia like. I was looking out the front at the pink aubretia I have and the leaves are very similar. Looking at all the info on the internet it says aubretia stops flowering in May/June. All mine is still going? Mabe it just likes it here. However I have 3 different types of phlox which has all stopped flowering and as you say they did have 5 flowers. I'm desperate to know what it is! How on earth can I find out?
9 Jul, 2011
Well it's been driving me bonkers ever since I saw your question - I'm still trying to find it myself, with no luck. Does it disappear in the winter, or stay evergreen? And I can't help feeling we all ought to know well a plant which produces lilac and white flowers at the same time...
10 Jul, 2011
Haha Bamboo I'm sorry :O) I'm going to look at pics from Christmas to see how it looked because I never remember it not having flowers! The lilac petals/flowers (don't laugh) but could it be as it's so closely planted to Lavender?
10 Jul, 2011
No, wouldn't make white flowers turn lilac.
10 Jul, 2011
I've updated the question and pics. As said above, completely evergreen but can't work out when it started flowering as I was away from home a lot at the start of the year. It's now very woody underneath. Should I repost this question see if anyone else picks it up and can help solve the mystery? :O)
10 Jul, 2011
When you say its now very woody underneath, do you actually mean woody, i.e., thickish, strong stems, or do you mean thin stringy brown and not the consistency of wood at all?
10 Jul, 2011
I'm concluding its Aubretia 'Purity' which for some reason has gone on longer in your garden - but not if the base is actually properly woody.
10 Jul, 2011
It has thin stringy wood coloured stems underneath. I found a pic from last Sept and it was without flowers so I'm guessing it's flower cycle is March-Sept(ish). I've had a look at Aubretia Purity and I agree it looks very similar. Thanks for all the help :0)
10 Jul, 2011
Those thin, stringy stems confirm it, really, cut it back when its done flowering.
11 Jul, 2011
I will do Bamboo (sob) thanks for all your time on this :O)
11 Jul, 2011
No worries, I like a challenge -specially being stuck at home with a broken toe until I can get a shoe on, lol!
12 Jul, 2011
Oh, poor you, Bamboo! How did that happen? Hope you're vertical soon....
12 Jul, 2011
I did it on holiday 12 days ago, Beattie - had to be driven home a day early from Kent, cracked it on the metal bedstrut in the dark. I am vertical, more or less, but can't bear a shoe on it yet, nor can I drive.
12 Jul, 2011
Amazing how these accidents happen Bamboo, especially away from home too. I once fell from top to bottom of some stairs in a holiday cottage in pitch blackness after a toilet visit. Curled up in a ball and tucked everything in and got away with it. One very painful shoulder and a weird bout of concussion.
12 Jul, 2011
I got up for the loo too, and there'd been a power cut, which is how I did it, couldn't see stumbling about in the dark. Glad you got away with it Dorjac. Mind you, I don't know how I've not broken the little toes before - I've knocked them loads of times, and dislocated the other one a few years back, boy, was that painful for 24 hours.
12 Jul, 2011
Hope you soon make a full recovery Bamboo. By the way. Are we now concluded that This is a white Aubretia blooming well beyond its usual timescale? Might it be called 'Cupcake' and propagated as such? Privately, of course, among Goyers. By the way Rainbow Magic is well past it's best and Red Dream is growing away with fresh buds already. So this first time round RD is the better performer.
13 Jul, 2011
Yep, we're going for Aubretia 'Purity' Dorjac. Still want your Rainbow Magic regardless, lol!
13 Jul, 2011
the one shown in the final picture is Bacopa - the other isn't, looks like some sort of Phlox possibly, which will be perennial. Is it in flower right now and how long has it been flowering for?
8 Jul, 2011