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West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Which is your favourite plant and why? Mine is my big tub of petunias They are so cheerful and colourful and always brighten my day A photo would help



Oh dear, I'm having trouble here - first on the list is Cotinus coggrygia 'Royal Purple' for its wonderful leaves during summer, and the blanket stitch effect on the edges as they autumn. But vying with it is Pieris 'variegata', because it looks good year round.
I have other massive favourites - but in combination.

10 Jul, 2011


Photos would be lovely

10 Jul, 2011


Difficult choice - I could say snowdrops because they give the first sign that my garden is recovering from even the severest winters, but it has to be Iris Sibirica 'Silver Edge' because it's worth waiting for and is just so elegant and the most perfect blue.

10 Jul, 2011


How lovely I adore Snowdrops

10 Jul, 2011


deppea splendens I have managed to grow this ultra rare beauty in the UK ouside in the summer heated greenhouse in winter will post picture when flowers I also like crinum macowanii and other south african bulbs

10 Jul, 2011


Knautia macedonica - that lovely summer perennial with deep maroon flowers - it goes with absolutely everything!

10 Jul, 2011 depends what I'm looking at!! I have favourites for different times of year. However, Fuchsias are lovely, and Salvias and Lobelia tupa.

10 Jul, 2011


I love my Erythroniums ('Pagoda') in spring, Fuchsias in summer, Cyclamen hederifolium in autumn and snowdrops in winter....

Sorry, we can't add photos in our answers.

10 Jul, 2011


I think any form of Hosta has to be at the top of my list - but then I look at my Fuchsias and think how lovely they are, but look at the dianthus .... and the purple petunia ..... and Crocosmia Lucifer .... and my red climbing rose .... and ..... and ..... and.........

11 Jul, 2011


I'll try to play the game by including links to my photos.

My current favourite outdoors is my Eucomis bicolor.......

or maybe my Lobelia laxiflora.........

Another favourite from earlier in the year is Hymenocallis festalis, which I got to bloom for the first time this year.......

My last choice before I change my mind again is Clerodendrum ugandense........

Of the plants that I would love to be able to grow, that's easy - Strongylodon macrobotrys........

11 Jul, 2011

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