By Chrishiggins
United Kingdom
where could I get hold of this plant? Have tried garden centres in my area and cant find it.
On plant
Saxifraga stolonifera
15 Jul, 2011
Have you tried RHS plant finder for stockists? Many do mail order. (Sorry if you're ahead of me here)
15 Jul, 2011
I got mine on line via the Plantfinder. Here's the link.
16 Jul, 2011
It used to be fairly commonly sold as a houseplant, under the name "Strawberry Geranium".
17 Jul, 2011
That's a new one on me, Tug! :-)
17 Jul, 2011
Well, that was in the States, a couple of decades ago, but I was hoping it might be another angle to looking for it.
17 Jul, 2011
It could be - but not a name I've ever come across.
18 Jul, 2011
me niether. :)
19 Jul, 2011
He shoots........and he misses! : )
22 Jul, 2011
Bang!!! lol.
22 Jul, 2011
Long Acre plants mail order used to stock it a couple of years ago. worth searching on line for it.
15 Jul, 2011