Grape Growing reliable variety?
By Dottydaisy2
United Kingdom
We are interested in growing grapes on a pergola in fairly good soil, we want a good juicy fruit to eat, not for wine making. not too fussed as to early or late variety, has anyone any valuable experience regarding the growing of eating grapes, we live in the South of England (normally the soft south) not so this time.
18 Jan, 2009
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Find out how to train and prune it properly as this will be the key to good grape harvests. Basically, you need to train a few 'rods' (that's what the main stems are called) and prune back to this framework each year, don't just let it romp around everywhere.
19 Jan, 2009
Thanks for the information Doc and Volunteer.
19 Jan, 2009
Bought a grape vine last year, £7.99 from local nursery - unfortunately I don't know what variety it is. We too are in the southern softie area, Dorset. It grew really well in a terracotta pot and made it's way up the trellis, but I really must get out this weekend and trim it - all the leaves have fallen and it's looking very sad. When it's cold is the best time to trim I believe as the sap isn't rising. We had a few 'buds' on it last year but no grapes. It's a green grape I think (have the check the label again), unfortunately the label instructions are not in English! I'm hoping to train it along the trellis then up and over the pergola over the front of our big pond. Here's hoping.
19 Jan, 2009
Thanks GF if you find out what it is let me know please.
20 Jan, 2009
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There are so many to choose from. Google grapes, choose an early one as it will be less likely to get an attack of botrytis.
18 Jan, 2009