By Karenjane
United Kingdom
My Magnolia is flowering is this normal at this time of the year?
24 Jul, 2011
Mine has had a second flush of flowers (not as many as the earlier flush mind) at the beginning of June - very odd. Did yours have an earlier flush or is this it's main one?
24 Jul, 2011
I had an early-flowering azalea that produced some more flowers a couple of weeks ago. I blame the crazy, mixed-up weather. Poor things think we've had another winter and it's spring again.
24 Jul, 2011
I have seen a few with a second flush, enjoy!
24 Jul, 2011
I hope you don't mind me jumping in on your question Karenjane as I am interested in the comments re the weather possiblt being the cause.
Only just notice yesterday that my Rhodedendron Yakushimanum has produced flowers again, albeit they are a wee bit deformed (?) It is still putting on plenty of new growth - strange!!!
What will be the effect on these plants next spring? Do they still flower as we would normally expect them to?
25 Jul, 2011
Hi Scottish yes your rhodo. should flower normally next spring having gone through a the cold of winter
25 Jul, 2011
I too have a evergreen Clematis Armandii that normally flowers in March bursting into flower now. Again I think it's the crazy weather. I've also noticed that some of the small birds that visit the garden are laying eggs again. I think we will soon have to rethink the planting of our gardens to suit the new weather patterns. What do you think?
25 Jul, 2011
Thanks Moongrower. Fuchsia Fan, you may have a point
26 Jul, 2011
thanks for all your comments.
15 Aug, 2011
The normal flower late March April time
24 Jul, 2011