By Geoffron
United Kingdom
howdo i get a spotted laurel to bush out
25 Jul, 2011
Mine's in shade and gorgeous, especially in winter when it brightens up a dark corner. I just prune any bits that are growing up too tall or spreading out too far over the flowerbed. I don't think it minds a good haircut with the secateurs.
26 Jul, 2011
Now I know what is wrong with mine :). I'm Hoping then that these plants are easy to move. They have been in for 2 years so are not overly large. When would be best time to move?
26 Jul, 2011
I should think in autumn but someone else may know more than I do! I think they're pretty tough but water well when you move them and until they are really established.
28 Jul, 2011
Thanks Pennyfarthing....I will move me later in the year to a more suitable home :)
Thanks Geoffron for allowing me to butt into your question :)
28 Jul, 2011
Previous question
I am guessing you mean Aucuba Japonica when you say Spotted Laurel. It prefers semi-shade and will grow tall and thin in full sun. The leaves will also be a much lighter colour in full sun, you will get the lovely deep green with whitish spots and bushiness only in semi-shade.
25 Jul, 2011