The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Hampshire, United Kingdom

Think I need to go to Specsavers or back to school??? LOL :D

I measured my garden today, turns out it's NOT 45ft long and 30ft wide.... Oh nooooooo my guess was wayyyyyyyyyy out.... It is in fact 37ft long and just 17ft wide. Oppppssssss lol



Too funny! I seem to have the same problem and I already have specs. Probably just a case of wishful thinking, always wishing it were bigger :)

30 Jul, 2011


Almost exactly half the estimate! Lol! It shows you have a generous nature, Sharni :-)

30 Jul, 2011


So easily done: it's very hard to estimate distances by eye alone unless one has something to use as a visual ruler: street lamps a set distance apart, etc (used to be telegraph poles *s*).

It's what gets me with mobility forms - "can you walk 50 yards undaided?" I don't know, what's fifty yards? I know it's 150 feet, but how far is it *on the ground*? I've no idea!

30 Jul, 2011


wishful thinking, perhaps haha... I thought I was close but was so far out, I was rather put out when I found out it's so much smaller than I imagined... Still at least now I know so when people ask me how big is my garden I can officially say, ohhh about the size of a postage stamp. :D

x x x x

30 Jul, 2011


lol my "garden is 10' at it's "longest" - *that's* a postage stamp!

30 Jul, 2011


Well Fran before I moved here I had a balcony measuring about 20' x 4' - I loved it though and filled it with pots of sweet peas and geraniums. Big learning curve living here.

30 Jul, 2011


lol indeed! up until a year ago I was on the 7th floor and not the communal balcony not eve wide enough for a blade of grass. sigh, I was sort of hoping for a new place that had a garden about half the size of Epping Forest, but ... maybe next time *s*

30 Jul, 2011

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