By Cobra
United Kingdom
I have a courgette which looked ok till this week but which now looks to be dying it was producing 2 or 3 per week for the last 3 weeks but now the leaves are drooping yellow and with holes.
3 Aug, 2011
I wonder if anything is eating the roots, Cobra? You say the leaves are yellowing and it's full of holes----had you thought of vine weevils? Try digging some of the soil away from the roots, trying not to disturb the plant too much, and see whether there are any white grubs around the central roots. The grubs eat the roots and the adult beetles eat the leaves!! If it's not that, perhaps it needs more feed, as they are quite greedy feeders, like cucumbers.
Annie (Cumbria)
4 Aug, 2011
No sign of anything in soil other than slugs. Will try slug pellets and horse manure.Will post result in a week or so.
5 Aug, 2011
It sounds exhausted! Maybe about a dozen courgettes is good for one plant. Have you given it a feed to see whether that would rejuvenate it?
4 Aug, 2011