By Kirsty
How do you care for arum lilies? Mine leaves have gone
yellow....and I have put fish blood and bone meal powder aroun the plant and watered it in well. Did I do the right thing......or is there another remedy?
Grateful for any opinions
5 Aug, 2011
Hi Kirsty,
Arum lilies like damp conditions but mine grow in rather dry semi-shade. I think it's important to water them especially in Spring, and give them the odd feed of Miracle-gro or something similar---anyway that's what I do--and usually have good results (see my photos). My soil is heavy clay so that might have something to do with it. I should hasten to add I am not an expert in this and can only speak from my own trial and error approach!
6 Aug, 2011
Thanks Pennyfarthing....I loved your photos! My lily is planted near a wall and so it is quite dry around there, though some parts of my garden are very wet. Drainage around here is variable. Will try miracle gro!Kirsty
12 Aug, 2011
Hi Kirsty,
Don't overdo the feeding but do remember to water! I'd love to hear how you get on! Maybe you'll put up a photo next year? Fingers crossed!
12 Aug, 2011
Depends what you mean by 'arum lily' - this term is often used for forms of Zantedeschia, is that what you have? And is it in a pot or in the garden? How long have you had the plant?
5 Aug, 2011