By Sanbaz
staining blackpool,
United Kingdom
can anyone advice me on the best time to shuffle my plants around at the back of my pond, now the plants have grown i now realise height problems looking more obvious. some plants i cant even see lol have a few small shrubs and know they are to far back and some tall plants like margarite daisy that is to close to pond, any advice would be welcome, thanx guys :o)the picture is earlier on and its alot more overcrowded now

5 Aug, 2011
I dont know much about moving plants.
But I do know that is a cracking Acer [I think] you have there Sanbaz.
5 Aug, 2011
I think it looks perfect San...I agree with Container, Cracking acer....
5 Aug, 2011
It does look good but there is always some moving about to do. If you wait until the autumn the plants will enjoy the cooler, moist weather to settle in before winter.
5 Aug, 2011
Marguerite Daisies aren't likely to survive the winter anyway, so that's one problem solved. ; )
5 Aug, 2011
thankyou bamboo for you advice :o)
cheers container glad you like the acer, iv had it about 7 years i think first in apot and in the ground last two years, doing well ;o)
cheers Dee it does look ok in the pic but if you were here you would see what i mean, some plants are hidden amongst others or to far back :o)
thankyou marshmallow ;o)
Tug i was sure they were margarites but maybe not as iv had these 3 years and getting bigger, will try and find tag now, love them whatever they are lol :o))
added pic of daisys if anyone can id them please, i was sure they were margarites, cheers guys
6 Aug, 2011
From what I can see of the leaves, that's more likely to be Leucanthemum x superbum 'Elizabeth' rather than Marguerite.
6 Aug, 2011
thankyou bamboo, cant find the tag but the name rings bells, and you know more about plants than me :o)
6 Aug, 2011
just looked it up bamboo and then found this which looks more like mine, well exactly Leucanthemum sub. 'Edgebrook Giant', the centre of the elizabeth wasnt like mine, thanx for help
6 Aug, 2011
Well, just so long as its Leucanthemum of some kind - that explains why its not died during winter.
6 Aug, 2011
it grows so fast bamboo and got hit hard by heavy rain last month which left a gapping hole in the middle, but needs plitting really and moving back,
6 Aug, 2011
You can do that in September/October too. That's a rather nice plant actually, I might look out for that myself, I prefer it to the Leucanthemum I've currently got.
6 Aug, 2011
with all the rain the flowers are getting soggy so wont last quite as long this year bamboo, but its a lovely one and glad i have it, i will split it soon then, pm me if you want some, i will gladly send you a piece :o)
6 Aug, 2011
Thanks for the offer, I might just do that - though quite how you'd get it to me through the post I'm not sure, lol!
6 Aug, 2011
once split and cut im sure i would manage, hywel sent me some tall plants cut down but came back lovely next year, anyway just send add,,, if you decide before sept ok .
6 Aug, 2011
September/early October, Sanbaz
5 Aug, 2011