By Scottish
Evergreen hedge ID please
I have inherited a hedge of evergreen shrubs. Can anyone help me put a name to it please. Thanks x

6 Aug, 2011
Could it be one of the Laurels? Not sure about the flowers being right though.
6 Aug, 2011
Wrong time of year for holly to be flowering so if photos taken now then not holly.
6 Aug, 2011
It is a Laurel. Variety will depend on the fruit colour (red/burgandy/black etc)
6 Aug, 2011
Yes you got there before me Kildermorie a nice Laurel Scottish.
6 Aug, 2011
Looks like an Aucuba of some description - its not A. japonica because the leaves are plain green, but the stems and flower form denote Aucuba of some description. Are all the leaves plain green and how tall/wide is it? Do any of the leaves have toothed or shaped edges, or are they all plain and smooth like these?
6 Aug, 2011
In response to all your comments:
All these pics were taken yesterday - so we have flowers, green berries and still some red berries left over from last year. This is the first time I have noticed any flowers (4 years)
Leaves are all green, the older leaves are dark green,some of them have a tooth edge - can be quite jaggy..ouch!
It is currently around 6ft high and 3ft wide. I have it trimmed twice a year to keep it's shape. Some of the trunks are around 6 - 8 inches in diameter.
It's a lovely hedge, but feel it could do with a bit of a feed as the kittens used it as their climbing frame when they first went out to play and they have caused it to loose quite a lot of leaves.
I can post more pictures if this helps.
Cheers Angie
6 Aug, 2011
A pic of the leaves with toothed edges would be useful - all the photos I have here of green leaved Aucubas show toothed leaves to varying degrees.
6 Aug, 2011
Ok Bamboo, I will post another question with the close up of the leaves
6 Aug, 2011
tugbrethil - Scottish has posted another pic showing spiny leaf, rather than toothed - I think you're right, it is a Holly, but more likely J. C. van Tol
6 Aug, 2011
Was going to update you all but Bamboo beat me too it!
After seeing a close up of the leaves it has been identified as Ilex J C van Tol. Have looked on google and it is certainly a match.
Didn't know my spined leaves from my toothed leaves :)
Thanks for all you in put guys x
6 Aug, 2011
The four-petalled flowers are a definite indication of an Ilex. Note that I. cornuta often blooms in late summer or early fall.
6 Aug, 2011
I have googled both images and compared Tugrethil. I. J C Van Tol is closest.
Mines is probably flowering at the wrong time as it has never been pruned properly since I inherited it 4 years ago. I just get the man who trims my privet hedge to give it a tidy up with his electirc hedge cutters!
At the moment there are flowers, green berries and red berries. Thanks
6 Aug, 2011
Flowering when you don't expect it is common, specially on hedged plants - when conditions are right, they take the opportunity to flower, even if its only 2 or 3 flowers, and then set seed, in this case, in the form of those lovely berries. Like most everything else on the planet, its primal drive is to reproduce itself...
7 Aug, 2011
It looks like a holly. My first thought would be a 'Burford' Chinese Holly, but there may be better candidates for Scotland.
6 Aug, 2011