By Roasterman
United Kingdom
Can somebody tell me what this fruit is? Is it a quince and is it edible?
Would really appreciate knowing for sure.

11 Aug, 2011
It looks like a quince to me too, Roasterman. As Julien says, you can make jelly with them (like jam but without any pips or fruit fibre in) but you'd need a lot of them to make this worth while. I don't think you could eat them raw, like an apple. In one of my garden books it suggests that they are edible when cooked. You need to let them ripen to a yellowy colour first though. Annie
11 Aug, 2011
Julian thanks for that. I wasn't sure if I was going to make 'poison' jelly or the old quince jelly that the Romans used to make
11 Aug, 2011
They do not have a lot of flesh on them but they are very strongly flavoured. A nice thing to do with them if you only have a few and not enough for jelly is to cut off the useable flesh from a couple (that's all you need) and add them to apples in a pie or crumble. Yummy!
If you were going to make jelly you'd need to cut them up and boil them soft, and then strain the juice through a jelly bag. Then add a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit as usual. Make sure all the sugar is dissolved before it gets to boiling point.
12 Aug, 2011
Cydonia Quinces are the ones the Romans used of course. I don't think the Roman empire had any influence on Japan! Lol.
As said above though, Chaenomeles Quince can be used in cooking too.
13 Aug, 2011
It looks to me as if it could belong to to a Chaenomelles, the japanese quince and not sure but it may be used in making jelly.
11 Aug, 2011