By Lesley24452
United Kingdom
My Aquilegia (different Varieties) and numerous other plants ie: Delphinium, Hollyhock have produced leaves with a grey/white appearance this year.The delphiniums are on their second spurt but, although they begin their growth quite healthily the leaves turn to the white/grey. they are all positioned in different parts of the garden.Is this a fungus of some sort? I have used a good fungal spray,but perhaps too late. My question is, is there anything I can add to the soil to prevent this?
thank you.
11 Aug, 2011
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Agree with bamboo, have noticed powdery mildew on all aquilegias, delphiniums and other perennials recently, this will be down to the long dry spell.
11 Aug, 2011
I try on my plants with 2 parts water & 1 part vinegar and it seem to work also on ants too. Good Luck.
11 Aug, 2011
I'll have to give that a try, Lorna. Thanks. we've got powdery mildew, too, and I don't like using too many shop concoctions in the garden. Vinegar sounds much more organic! Annie
I might try the milk as well, but most of mine goes on cereals!! Ha, ha!!
11 Aug, 2011
Not sure I'd try vinegar - that'll bleach a worktop left on it overnight, but the milk thing has been scientifically tested and proven to work.
12 Aug, 2011
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No - its mildew of one sort or another, a fungal infection - some are worse in hot dry weather on some plants, some are worse in damp, muggy weather. Using a fungicide, particularly a systemic one, is a way to combat it. Alternatively, mix 1 part milk to 9 parts water in a sprayer and spray with that - said to work, but I don't know how well or how long for.
11 Aug, 2011