By Cranberry
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have for the second year managed to grow a clump of Aubritia, could you tell me what to do with it, I have had differant opinions. Do I take all the dead bits out or just leave it alone. I'm so scared to mess with it as I have wanted to grow it for years & not been succesful & don't want to kill it of. Thanks for any advice.........Cranberry
17 Aug, 2011
Just trim your aubretia back after flowering to keep it looking tidy and to stop it straggling.
18 Aug, 2011
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You can be quite brutal with it if you don't want it to become stragley. Look down to the base of the plant and you should see some tiny leaves coming up from the roots. These will provide flowering stems next year so you can cut out all of this years old stems without damaging the plant.
18 Aug, 2011