By Macassa
United Kingdom
My pierus plant is getting big for the large tub, How do I prune it?
19 Aug, 2011
I'd point out that this shrub should be pruned after flowering around June time - if you take some off now, just make it a trim and not a proper prune, its too close to winter for any forced new growth to harden off properly.
19 Aug, 2011
Yes agree with Bamboo, carefull thought needed with winter getting closer.
19 Aug, 2011
Previous question
It depends how much you want to take off, Macassa. I would cut back each of the branching twigs to an outward facing shoot, so that the bush is reduced in size but will still stay bushy. You can cut off as much or as little as you like, really, but don't take it too far into the main bush because you could end up with a funny shaped bush. I wish I could do you a drawing to show you how, but it's not possible on here. Hope this helps, anyway. Annie
19 Aug, 2011