By Haypaul
United Kingdom
Each year I have lots of healthy leaves but no flowers on my agapanthus. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
21 Aug, 2011
Yes the agapanthus love to be pot bound, but if they are in a pot make sure you look after them in the winter time as i've seen the frost get to the roots..
21 Aug, 2011
See, now, I disagree totally with the received wisdom generally on agapanthus and being crowded - I tried them in pots, cramped up, for years, following the planting advice - no flowers, lots of leaves, just like you. Got fed up, stuck them in the border, and they flower magnificently every year, no cramped roots, free to spread. Some varieties are tender though and can't be left outside all year - you don't say whether yours are potted or in the ground, so if they're in pots and are hardy, my advice is plant them in a sunny spot in the border.
21 Aug, 2011
I took a plastic flower pot, cut the bottom off and sunk it in the border. I then planted my agapanthus inside it so they became congested. It worked as they flowered the same year and have done so every year since
21 Aug, 2011
How many flowers can you expect from one plant? My white one has been in my border for a couple of years but has only had 2 flowers each year.
21 Aug, 2011
This is my 4th year with a white and blue varieties flowering every year until now, this year i had like you haypaul my white flowered and blue did'nt with plenty of foliage, im not worried tho just as long as im still getting good healthy foliage, if i was'nt then i would worry. ;-)
21 Aug, 2011
What's worked for me:
High potash food, but not so much phosphate.
Excellent drainage--they don't like to stay wet all the time.
22 Aug, 2011
Sounds like yours could do with some potash, Dawnsaunt - the latest one I planted went in 3 years ago (bought as a root in a box in autumn, planted in a pot till the following spring). It didn't flower the first summer, did the second, about 3 blooms, and this year I had eight blooms. Hasn't had any feed other than the usual Vitax Q4 generally distributed in about April, when I turn the beds over.
22 Aug, 2011
Thanks Bamboo, no time like the present so just ordered some Vitax Q4 ready for next April.
23 Aug, 2011
If you are still around Bamboo ..... may I ask - would my young shrubs that I set in the Spring benefit from some autumn feeding to get them going or should I feed them next Spring? Thank you
28 Aug, 2011
No, don't feed now, the last thing you want is lots of soft leafy growth at this time of year. Feed in Spring.
29 Aug, 2011
Thanks Bamboo, I appreciate your advice.
29 Aug, 2011
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My gardening guru at the local GC told me that agapanthus flower better when crowded, in pots particularly. I have some in pots now and they have flowered, while those in the ground have not. So, there might be something in this? Just passing this on, however.
21 Aug, 2011