By Catdegu
United Kingdom
WE have got several fairly deep holes on our lawn with what looks like a slug train around them. They are in twos....any idea what they may be please?
21 Aug, 2011
Depends what you mean by fairly deep. Badgers can dig holes for their toilets and they are several inches deep and the same across. Holes made by birds are very small - the diameter of the beak.
21 Aug, 2011
Thank you very much for the responses. The holes are very circular and less than half an inch wide and about two/three inches deep. The grass is very mossy
22 Aug, 2011
I'm coming round to birds. We've got lots in our lawn that just go down to soil level but not much deeper and I'm pretty sure that's what they re.
23 Aug, 2011
you could have two problems
one holes may be birds after bugs like leatherjacks, the
slim may be slim mould grey off white, yellow or orange
wash off and it should dissolve ther is not chemical control
the mould is unlikely to cause much damage wash off the
slime with water. Kev
21 Aug, 2011