By Jazzycat
United Kingdom
In February I bought 3 Buddleia Blue Chip, they are supposed to be dwarf and compact, smothered in flowers. Mine are now very tall and straggley with very little flower on them. Have I done something wrong or have I been sold the wrong plants? Anyone else had them?
22 Aug, 2011
Hi Moon growe, many thanks for your reply
I have put a photo on. Hope it has attached itself to this response, this is the first time I have used a site like this. I was also going to add the picture that was in the advert but I am not sure if I should due to copyright laws. I wanted you to see the difference. It can be found on many gardening websites if you wanted to look at it.
Sorry I took so long replying, very busy with grandchildren at the moment - school holiday.
24 Aug, 2011
You need to add the photo to your question, by editing - you can't add them to a reply
24 Aug, 2011
Hi Jazzy could you add a photo to your question please. This particular buddleia may be described a dwarf but it still grows to around 80cm.
22 Aug, 2011