By Howee74
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, ive been given a lily, zantedeschia 'black star' - is it worth planting it out now or should i keep it as a houseplant over winter? Also, it looks like prime slug munching, any tips?
24 Aug, 2011
Agree - admire it inside instead.
24 Aug, 2011
And dont forget the dreaded red lily beetle ,even tho mine are dying back at the moment they still keep appearing ;).
24 Aug, 2011
Thanks everyone, are lilies any good in pots?
24 Aug, 2011
Lily Beetles don't attack Zantedeschias--thank goodness! Also, only Z. aethiopica 'Crowborough' is hardy enough to plant out in the garden in the UK. Zantedeschias are excellent in pots, though. The one you have likes very bright light, maybe even some morning sun, enough time between soakings to let the top cm of soil to dry, and regular feeding with a good houseplant food while the leaves are present. It goes dormant in the winter, and should be stored cool--but not freezing--and semi-dry--30% humidity.
24 Aug, 2011
great thanks
20 Sep, 2011
personally i wouldnt plant it out now. as for slugs then welcome to the war! lots of remedies for keeping them under control.
24 Aug, 2011