Best way to grow lavender?
By Michelle1
what is the best way to start lavender? i have tried by seed but with no luck. i have tried to start from a wee plant but then it doesnt do well. are there any tricks? is this something that needs extra TLC to get to grow?
On plant
26 Mar, 2008
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I always take soft wood cuttings. Six or so dibbed around the edge of a pot. Initially put in the greenhouse.Generally all of them strike and and are potted up individually to get planted out the following year. However, I agree with Majeekahead French Lavender (Lavedula Stoeches) is more problematic. Only one cutting struck for me last year.
27 Mar, 2008
The propagation method I've heard of is by division and/or cuttings made in spring or early summer. Likes a light well draining soil with pH of 7.1 and full sun. Not usually subject to serious pests or diseases.. root rot, leaf spot, root knot nematodes. The seeds require vernalization...just a cold them and cover and put in the fridge for awhile.
28 Mar, 2008
I take softwood heel cuttings in late spring/summer. I do use a bit of rooting powder (but VERY little). They are rather prone to grey mould, but the way to get around that is to handle the cuttings very gently, as any bruising, however slight, will result in grey mould. Put them somewhere fairly cool and put on a propager lid. Keep an eye on them and if any collapse with mould, remove them immediately so that it does not spread. Hope this helps.
28 Mar, 2008
Hi Michelle like some of the other guys and girls I find soft cuttings seem to work really well at least on the English ones the French ones are always just a little harder to get going. Stick with it girl I'm sure you will get there in the
31 Mar, 2008
Previous question
to be honest i think it depends on the type, i was given some lavender seeds a couple of years ago, just the common violet/lilac colour ones and i sowed some in my unheated greenhouse and some i just threw into the bed, and you know i got more or less 100% out of the ones that i threw down, and hardly anything atall from the ones i did in the green house! but i think if you are growing french lavender are a little bit harder, but i have never grown them myself so not sure what is best
26 Mar, 2008