Looking for anemone blanda plants
By Babsal
United Kingdom
Saw anemone blanda on TV recently. When is the best time to plant and best place to buy them please?
21 Feb, 2009
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spring bulbs
We have loads in flower now at the garden centre where I work so I imagine other garden centres will too.
21 Feb, 2009
That of course was the one thing I didn't think of!
21 Feb, 2009
my local garden centre also has lots in pots. The good thing is it can allow you to place them exactly where you want them. and you can see the colours too as they range from blue to white and lilac to pink. Mine are just poking their noses through the soil. they are beauties.
21 Feb, 2009
The trick when you do buy the corms in Autumn (or indeed you can still get them now) is to soak them in tepid water before planting, especially if you buy dried ones now.
21 Feb, 2009
I tried this last year and not one came up:o( and i can usually get most things to grow.
21 Feb, 2009
I also have mixed success with these plants, I put in as many as possible and hope for the best. I have usually had better success when I haven't soaked the corms!! Who knows how nature decides to work, I have planted loads in Autumn, but there is no sign of them yet, bit of a pain in my opinion.
22 Feb, 2009
Must admit that I have never previously had any success with them as corms, but this autumn, soaked and planted in pots, they have all grown (25 of them) and are just showing buds. I did keep them in a cold frame over winter though.
The dirt cheap ones from Wilkinsons etc are rubbish. If you do buy them, then buy best quality ones, pay more get more!
22 Feb, 2009
I did buy good ones and zippo, at least the ones from wilko's 5 yrs ago went in the soil and most came up. still going stong too.
22 Feb, 2009
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The best time to plant them is in the Autumn ready for them to flower in the Spring, so it is a bit late to plant them outside this year. You can get Anemone Blanda just about anywhere in garden centres and on the internet, but they will be more widely available in the Autumn. Have a look on google and you might be lucky. If you do manage to get hold of some soon, plant them in pots and put them in a cold frame or a greenhouse/conservatory, this will bring them on and they might flower this year, then when they have finished flowering you can transplant them into the spot in the garden where you want them permanently. It is good to soak the bulbs (which look like giant hard raisins) in water overnight and they will swell.
21 Feb, 2009