By Soniahallett
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
i have bought a variety of spring bulbs and i would like to know how can i improve the soil to give them a good start i do believe that stable manure is to rich for them i have iris small daffadils allium anemone blanda muscari chionodoxa luciliese and i will plant primrose a green house stood on this ground for 20 years i have planted two flowering cherry's which did so well last year they are royal burgandy and kanzan a small fence will go round to keep my dog of the plot
30 Aug, 2011
I find spring bulbs are best grown in fertile well-drained soil, in a warm, sunny position. Having added plenty of homemade compost already but I do apply a bone fish and blood fertiliser and rake it into the soil before planting bulbs. I have heavy clay so I put a handful of grit in the planting hole and sit the bulb on it and add grit to the compost/soil to improve drainage. Do label them as you will forget where they are and may then inadvertantly dig them up?
30 Aug, 2011
In addition to the good advice above, you can also add some slow release fertiliser especially for bulbs which comes in small pellets and can be mixed in with the planting soil.
30 Aug, 2011
Previous question
A compost with plenty of humus will improve the ground for you. Probably a peat-free soil improver or a multi-puropose compost from the garden center will be best. Home made compost tends to have too many weed seeds in it for the ornamental garden and is better used for your vegetables.
30 Aug, 2011