By Susie1948
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Tomatoes ???
My tomatoes this year on my patio have been a disaster, either soaking wet or drying out. So far I have one that is ripening. A few years ago I discovered a tomato variety that was developed in the States (I think) for service personel to grow in places where the climate was quite cool i.e. Iceland. I bought some seeds from, probably, Thompson & Morgan or Suttons and they were brilliant with loads ripening in what was quite a cool summer but I can't remember their name. I have tried searching for them again this year but to no avail. Has anybody else ever heard of them?
I would love to try growing them again.
I have sourced some seeds from Nicky's Nursery, called Sub Arctic Plenty (90p for 20 seeds) so will be ordering some to try next year. Will let you know how they perform. Thanks for your replies.
3 Sep, 2011
But flavour is the important thing, simply* turning red isn't enough.
* Nothing remotely simple about it this year.
3 Sep, 2011
I have grown sub-Arctic Plenty outside in the past with great success. I think it's one where you don't remove the sideshoots. I found them very easy to manage in old buckets with canes for support. I have not been able to find them since, so I'm pleased to find a new source, thank you!
Good luck with yours!
4 Sep, 2011
Ah, the miracle of Google - Google 'cool climate tomatoes', there's loads of info there.
3 Sep, 2011