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By Beechy

Dorset, United Kingdom

Hi all i have just bought 3 azaleas,but only got multicompost for them can i use it to plant them in the garden

Asked from the GoYpedia azaleas page



I'm no expert, but I think these need ericaceous compost rather than just multi.

11 Sep, 2011


Multi purpose compost usually has added lime and the azaleas don't like it.

11 Sep, 2011


If your soil is acid you could just shove them in the ground without benefit of added compost.

11 Sep, 2011


Many thanks for all advice

11 Sep, 2011


You can get an ericacious feed to put in the ground when you plant, but it would be best to add some peat, or leaf mould, or even lots of pine needles to the soil before planting, as this would add the acid content to the soil that they need, as Bulbaholic says. Annie

11 Sep, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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