By Subiesue
Hi I live in Bexleyheath in Kent and would like to know where in Kent to pick wild sloe's ?
11 Sep, 2011
I'd suggest a stroll or a slow drive down your local country lanes. Can you remember seeing any blackthorn flowers in spring? (Very early white starry froth on black twigs just before the leaves come out.) Head there if you can as blackthorn fruit = sloes.
11 Sep, 2011
My parents lived in Bromley Sub.s and they used to just drive out in the car and come back with a basket full! Sorry not sure from where though. Try Eynsford and all around there, there must be some.
12 Sep, 2011
Come up to Cumbria and I'll show you umpteen places to pick sloes!! They grow along the coast, at the back of the beach just south of Ulverston. Pity it's such a long way for you!! We used to live in Kent, but I don't remember seeing any round about Ramsgate where we lived. Sorry! Annie
12 Sep, 2011
We find them along the edge of moorland here in Yorks. Is there any moorland near to where you are?
13 Sep, 2011
Good Luck with the search ! I have found a supply near me. Not long to go now until they are ready. Sloe Gin by Christmas.
11 Sep, 2011