By Numbty
United Kingdom
hi everyone,just bought a autumn leaves HEUCHERA and can`t decide if it would suit a container or should I put it straight into the ground, what do you think?
11 Sep, 2011
I'd put it in the ground, if you have a suitable spot, unless you want to pot it somewhere you can see it every time you go out. Prone to vine weevil in pots, so plan to put in the ground next year if you do pot it.
11 Sep, 2011
thanks tt and bamboo,I think because of the vine weevil possibility then I will put it in the ground.thanks tt for your suggestion to look on GOYpedia,all I need to do now is find somewhere in the garden to put it!!
11 Sep, 2011
On my latest blog you can see a photo where I've planted Heuchera next to Campanula .. that might give you some ideas ...
11 Sep, 2011
hi tt I had a look at your Heuchera with your Campanula they look really good mingling together,so you have now given me the idea to put my Heuchera with my Campanula thanks for the idea ,your`s look lovely tt
11 Sep, 2011
Numbty, you won't stop at one. Just take a look at some of the others around..very Berry, Spice tea, Coral Bells, Marmalade to name just a few. Some with flat leaves, some with ruffles the choice is seemingly endless.
13 Sep, 2011
Thanks Numbty ... good luck with your planting.
As Grannyb says, you'll probably now be tempted by other heucheras.. there are so many wonderful colours :o)
13 Sep, 2011
thanks terra/grannyb
my friend has given me another one i think its called red spangles.the one i`ve recently bought has lovely red leaves which i understand turn different colours according to the season and bears pale pink flowers in summer, can hardly wait to see the different colours...
13 Sep, 2011
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Hi Numbty ..
If you look at GoYpedia Heucheras, and GoYpedia Container Plant Ideas that might help you decide ...
click on H and C at the base of the page to take you to the appropriate categories... I hope this helps :o)
11 Sep, 2011