My Bottle Brush (Callistemon) shrub won't grow
By Bearsmum
I have a bottle brush, the old red variety, it is planted in loamy soil, about 16 mths old and about 1 ft high. It sat there for yonks until about 6 months ago it had a small growing spurt sprouting lots of new leaves and it hasn't done anything since. It looks healthy enough, it just won't grow. Should I give it a light ? heavy ? pruning to shock it into action or what should I do. It is in a semi-shaded position. I live in mid-west qld and am on bore water but I feed it rain water.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
28 Feb, 2009
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Hello Arlene
Thanks for replying. I think you are correct when saying that it should be all down to patience. I have noticed that my next door neighbour's plant which is the same as mine sat there for eons looking half dead then all of a sudden it took off and hasn't looked back since. I am hoping mine will do the same thing. Maybe they need to establish their main tap root first. As for the weather, it can range from minus eight during the winter to the mid 50's in the summer. I do cover my plant during the winter to keep the frost off it, although my neighbour doesn't and it doesn't seem to hurt her plants.
1 Mar, 2009
Oh that is hot!
We have had the minus 8 this year but never get the mid 50's Thank goodness~ we would lose all our plants!
Try giving Marguerite a pm~she has a lovely pink one and is in Queensland I think?
good luck with it!
1 Mar, 2009
~I'm in the UK and don't know how hot it is where you are but I have a Standard growing in a pot which is in full sun~ however
I understand they are quite slow growing and this one sounds like a very young plant~it might be down to patience I'm afraid!
I also bought three small ones last year and they are still much the samel~ although we are not in the growing season yet.
1 Mar, 2009