Advice on Ensete please.
By Ginellie
United Kingdom
Towards the end of last summer I bought 2 Ensete plants in, I think, Homebase sale. I'd never heard of them but they looked quite impressive. I put them in the garage for the winter and have just taken them out. They look very droopy and all the outer leaves are dead. Any chance of them being alive still do you think, and if they might be what shall I do next?
28 Feb, 2009
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false bananas
Thank you Sandra, I'll give it a go tomorrow.
1 Mar, 2009
try tipping out the pot. you should see strong firm roots. if all is well chop off all top growth give it more light but still frost free and you should see top regrowth within a few weeks. if it survives repot in may.
1 Mar, 2009