By Boyceg
United Kingdom
Nasturium appeared in our garden which i want to keep as they have trailed over some small conifers i have and look great, however is it possible to make them grow a little bushier?. Straggly at the moment, any thoughts.
12 Sep, 2011
Cheers i will look to buy some of the bushier variety.
12 Sep, 2011
Remember they are annuals so wait until next year to buy and sow. The ones you have will doubtless self seed and reappear.
12 Sep, 2011
Many thanks
12 Sep, 2011
The none trailing ones do remain quite compact though and do not scramble at all. I haven't seen an in between variety but if anybody knows of one please tell! You'll probably find that the ones you have now will self seed anyway even if you pick up every fallen seed you can find.
12 Sep, 2011
Why don't you just pinch out the growing tip of your trailing nasturtiums, Boyce, and that way they'll still trail but will bush out more. Just let some of the seeds fall to the ground and then, like Steragram says, they'll grow in the spring and you can transplant them. Don't leave ALL the flowers to set seed though, as this will weaken the plants ability to flower....Annie
12 Sep, 2011
Gosh Annie, I didn't know anything would do that - I just leave mine to get on with it and they go wild.
13 Sep, 2011
They could be naturally trailing ones. You can buy bushier varieties, and they're very easy to grow from seed.
12 Sep, 2011