By Mysco
United Kingdom
Is there a good time to hard prune Wisteria mine is far too thick and as it grows over a pergola its difficult to keep just to the front? Thanks in advance

17 Sep, 2011
Hi Mysco,
As Bamboo says, and for Wisteria growing over Pergolas etc...
Wisterias with long flower racemes are best on show where they can hang free, unimpeded by branches or foliage. For the best flowers, reduce the number of racemes by thinning out to give those that remain plenty of space to develop.
Love the garden on display in the pic, looks really nice, and a lovely area to sit under your pergola if you've room..:)))
17 Sep, 2011
Puzzled!! What is it that is blue behind your Pergola???
17 Sep, 2011
it looks like a Park Home ladyessex...
17 Sep, 2011
Thank you all for advice looks like I have missed the August prune! Crissue it is a static caravan, unfortunately it just seems to get used for storage, easier to get to than the loft! Thanks again for all help. Jill
17 Sep, 2011
I thought it looked like a static caravan, would make a lovely summerhouse :0)
Mind you I have a summerhouse I cant use because it is full of stuff too LOL
17 Sep, 2011
What a good idea Ladyessex, ideal for a Summer House. and blends in so well..lots of planters, full of Spring/Summer flowering...the ideas are endless...:))
18 Sep, 2011
Hi, Mysco, Well, Bamboo has said it all, I think, however, we have a massive wisteria which our builders, unasked, cut TO THE BONE one March so that they could put up scaffolding against our wall. We were dreadfully upset and thought it would never recover, but if you look at my pictures, that was it just two years later. If anything, the butchery possibly did it a lot of good, and the time of year may deprive you of one season's flowers, but I doubt you'll kill it by pruning, it looks well established. Love the pergola, by the way.
19 Sep, 2011
Thanks all of you. I have a summerhouse the other end of the garden otherwise it would be a good idea. We used the static for kids parties and University parties, while we sat indoors with a glass of wine and peace and quiet!! Now I have too much peace and quiet, all kids grown and flown and lost my husband 2 years ago, hence the garden makeover.
19 Sep, 2011
Sorry to hear that Mysco...hope the kids fly back sometimes :))))
Nice you have a Summerhouse too...Homebird, is in the process of establishing hers, and doing a good job too...
We're always fiddling and changing our Gardens aren't we...!!
Good luck with the makeover, it looks lovely from what I've seen so far...:)))
20 Sep, 2011
If you want flowering, times to prune are August, when you shorten half the laterals to 6 inches, the rest by about half, and then again in mid February, when you shorten them again in a similar way. If you want to do a radical prune, do it immediately after it flowers, and then prune as suggested afterwards.
17 Sep, 2011