By Youngalistai
United Kingdom
ive seen echinacea (magic box)advertised at thomson and morgan for good price do i buy them now before the rush but will have to keep them frost free indoors or wait until spring but they might be gone by then?...........the agony!!!!
19 Sep, 2011
Same here, Spritzhenry, same here!
20 Sep, 2011
Agree with Spritz - I'd avoid T&M and J Parker, whatever they're selling...
20 Sep, 2011
They have been advertising these for at least 6 months,
I had some vouchers from them that they sent me after refunding my money, for a perennial collection I had ordered the majority of which were dead when they arrived,so I used them to buy this collection, when they arrived I was shocked to find them in a tray which I could almost fit in the palm of my hand, holding 42 {6 dead}, the cells themselves were no bigger than a thimble, good job I hadn,t actually paid for them, i wont be buying anything else off them
20 Sep, 2011
I had the same experience as you guys with T&M, They are good at refunding or resending orders, but you still get the same tiny plug plants which are dead on the outside of the trays, and far too fiddly to pot up even tho there advertised as larger plugs and show you a pic of them in someone's hand being the size of there palm sideways!! think they use a childs hand as the model lol...
20 Sep, 2011
What a pity this is - T&M used to be the top end of the market.
20 Sep, 2011
They sent me tiny plug plants of Coreopsis in late July last year - far too late to grow on, and of course they didn't even flower! I'd had to phone them several times too. What a waste of money. :-(( That was their last chance, too, after too many bad experiences. Never again.
20 Sep, 2011
I get quite a lot of plants/plugs from Jersey plants, and they've always been very good, and well packed. Anybody else found them good value for money? Annie
20 Sep, 2011
I get quite a lot of plants/plugs from Jersey plants, and they've always been very good, and well packed. Anybody else found them good value for money? Annie
20 Sep, 2011
I bought begonias tubers from them (T&M) back in the spring, they were titchy and out of 15, only 6 ever showed any sign of life. My husband brought me back 10 much bigger ones bought from a local garden centre in Oxfordshire, each at less than half the price I paid per T&M one, and every one grew and flowered splendidly. Luckily I haven't been tempted to buy plugs - they wouldn't survive the journey out here, and from what you've all been saying, they don't survive the journey anywhere!
20 Sep, 2011
I can recommend Jacksons - out of all the plants I've had delivered so far this year, their's were far and away the best packed, and the plants they provided were of good size and quality. They only have a relatively limited range of stuff though.
21 Sep, 2011
I use Dobies now - the mail order firm in Devon. No problems ever with them.
21 Sep, 2011
thanks for the replies and seems like t&m are very poor but they seem to be the only ones selling this new variety cant find them anywhere else maybe i will try again next spring thanks again
22 Sep, 2011
It seems that you can also buy seeds. Maybe that would be a better option?
22 Sep, 2011
You wont find them anywhere else, because these have been bred by t&m, but i,m sure you will be able to find something very similar under another name bred by another company, good luck in your search.
22 Sep, 2011
thanks derekm i will have a look in the new year for something similar as its seems t&m cannot be trusted to send adaquate plants for purpose
23 Sep, 2011
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I wouldn't be tempted by T&M, to be honest. The plants are likely to be tiny - then what will you do? Sorry - too many bad experiences with this firm. :-(
19 Sep, 2011