By Nannydodo
United Kingdom
Can you tell me what this has suposed to have yellow like daisy flowers.Been in about 3 yrs,no flowers yet

20 Sep, 2011
hi ,it doesn't have thorns.....
20 Sep, 2011
Are the leaves thick or flat, Nanny? It's a bit difficult to tell from the photo.
20 Sep, 2011
Hello Annie...the leaves are sort of flat /square on all 4 sides...i have been told it looks like sea buckthorn,but there isn't any thorns,and we havn't had any berries...the mind
21 Sep, 2011
Yes, that's why I asked if it had thorns, I was thinking Hippophae, but no thorns means its not that.
21 Sep, 2011
Perhaps it is a hippophae,being a seaside garden....maybe it takes a few yrs to flower....we wait in anticipation.....thankyou for your help,also annie....
21 Sep, 2011
I have to say though, as well as not having thorns, its growth habit is not typical of Hippophae either, so I'm not at all sure its that.
21 Sep, 2011
I have spent a few hours trying to find this....and finally.........Nothing. At the back of my mind I have a niggle I know this
21 Sep, 2011
I have that niggle too. the leaves look succulentish too.
is it one of the senico's?
22 Sep, 2011
Not any Senecio I know of, Seaburngirl, none have linear leaves like this.
22 Sep, 2011
i was going more by the idea of yellow daisy type flowers. there are often oddities within a genus as you know. that niggle wont go away though.
22 Sep, 2011
I was trying to put yellow daisies on the foliage . It is a big plant, someone must have it.
22 Sep, 2011
yea - nannydodo does, lol! Not some kind of Broom, guys?
23 Sep, 2011
Thanks for all your are going to prune it soon,so live or die,we wait for these yellow like daisies.....i always keep the labels,so i dont know what happened to that one....
23 Sep, 2011
Hi everyone....this is niggling me,and i wont let go...I googled a particur plant i thought looked like it from a picture,and it came back with a similar picture....Do you think it could be of the Acacia family....
26 Sep, 2011
Not really Nanny....I think you were looking at
Acacia retinodes . Your plant is quite different, and still niggling.
26 Sep, 2011
Hi everyone....this niggle would not go away.I e-mailed buckingham nurseries,and they kindly told me they think it is Olearia Virgata Lineata...does very well in seaside areas...Thankyou for all your help in trying to identify this plant...really appreciated...
27 Sep, 2011
Must have white flowers, not yellow then?
27 Sep, 2011
Aww Bamboo ! You had to didn't you ? I googled Olearia Virgata Lineata and was not convinced. It looked similar but that was it, so I put it down to photography...
The Niggle is back.
27 Sep, 2011
I'm not convinced either, lol - though its a good call in some ways.
27 Sep, 2011
27 Sep, 2011
I have called in the big guns on this one now.......wait for Member.......
27 Sep, 2011
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Does it have thorns?
20 Sep, 2011