By Nannydodo
United Kingdom
I want to move about 6 now a good/bad time...
20 Sep, 2011
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You will have to move Dhalia tubers out of the ground after the first frost (3-4 weeks away) soon enough. As per above, they need to be put in a frost free place over winter.
20 Sep, 2011
Not yet. Let them carry in till the frosts hit the leaves and makes them wilt. Then cut back the plant and dig up the tubers. Take them indoors somewhere so any remaining earth can dry off completely and then clean off as much as possible. Wrap in newspaper and store them in a box over winter in your garage or somewhere frost free. Dont forget to label which is which.
20 Sep, 2011
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Let them finish flowering for this year, then lift and store the tubers frost free for the winter, then plant them out
next year where you want them.
20 Sep, 2011