By Alextb
London, England
I recently bought a mini 4 tier greenhouse for £9 in Wilikinson's gardening clearance sale.
I have noticed that the temeperature gets very high at times and the flap has to be open fully to let the air circulate and cool it down.
What is the best temperature for the greenhouse?
Celsius or farengheit will be O.K, as the digital thermometer inside has both.
- 27 Sep, 2011
I also advise you to put a big stone on the bottom shelf because these houses will blow over in a strong wind.
Open the flap in summer and keep it shut in winter basically, but keep your eye on it, for as you say temperatures can rocket. I only keepopening and shutting mine in the Spring when touchy young plants are inside. I don't try to keep anything tender in there over the winter.
27 Sep, 2011
These look ideal for putting in the big greenhouse in winter as extra insulation for tender plants.
27 Sep, 2011
What a good Idea Michaelmilner !
I have got the same one Alex and use it only in the spring just to bring on my seed trays and to harden off the tender plants. Then It is easy to pack away for next year.
28 Sep, 2011
Thank you for the answers. I bought this one as I have nowhere near enough space o money for a proper one, plus with the kids around the estate I wouldn't trust a glass greenhouse.
28 Sep, 2011
Hi, Alextb, I bought one of these a couple of weeks ago (I must admit I paid a lot more for mine than you did) and I've been keeping my cuttings in it. I started it off against a sunny wall, but very rapidly found that it was just too much, and it is now against a stone wall that gets about an hour of the early sun, and then is in shade for the rest of the day, and that seems to be perfectly adequate. I think we are both going to have to be very careful with these - I have just come back having been out all day, and I had neglected to open the flap first thing before I left this morning while it was still dark, so it is absolutely full of condensation - not good under any circumstances. I can't help you if you need very specific temperatures: I am sure there are dozens of Goys who can.
27 Sep, 2011