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What Flower Is This ?

England, United Kingdom

I took this photo and want to upload to deviantART and you guys are very accurate and good at this stuff ;)



That looks like a Vinca. Common name = Periwinkle.

8 Mar, 2009


Vinca major 'Variegata', I reckon, as I can see some leaves behind it!

8 Mar, 2009


Yes, Vinca. I'm glad you're getting it ID'd as I've noticed a lot of people on dA just take photographs, label them 'flower' and that's it!

8 Mar, 2009


I have a variegated blue V. minor so it depends on how big it is. if the leaves are more than 3cm long its V. major variegata as Spritz says. Its lovely no matter what but can be a thug though.

8 Mar, 2009

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