By Jacksondscar
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
My Hydrangea Red Teller has been really beautiful all Summer but now it looks in a very sorry state Is this normal and with pruning in Spring will it come back to its former glory I do hope so

3 Oct, 2011
This looks about normal to me for the time of year. The flowers fade, the leaves fade and fall and it rests for the winter. Try to resist pruning at all ( even the flowerheads just now) even in spring because you will prune off the flowering shoots. It will surprise you with new vigour next year. Meanwhile make sure it doesn't dry out and all should be well. I have learned over time to leave them to do their own thing!
3 Oct, 2011
I always give my hydrangeas a good general feed plus a mulch of garden compost each spring which they appreciate. As well as giving them a kick start, this seals in moisture and keeps the roots cool
3 Oct, 2011
Previous question
The flowers are fading, aren't they, that's all. I must sayit looks as though its suffered a little bit of drought here and there (brown tips on a couple of leaves) or possibly hot bright sun, but otherwise, leave it alone and let it go through the winter - prune in April when growth begins, cutting off the spent flowerheads and any dead bits of stem.
3 Oct, 2011