By Ojibway93
United Kingdom
A site question - is there some trick to avoid PMs 'disappearing' after you press Send? I've had 3 disappear today and I'm feeling stupid now. Clearly, I'm doing something wrong. But what?
4 Oct, 2011
Yes, they won't disappear until you physically delete them and even then you're asked "are you sure ?", so it can't happen by accident.
4 Oct, 2011
Take a look in your messages 'sent', they should be there!
4 Oct, 2011
Thanks, all. That was the problem - they weren't appearing in my 'sent' box at all, so it would seem like they really did disappear. I've sent a couple since and they appear to have arrived. Strange.
4 Oct, 2011
I've just sent you a PM things seem ok for me
after sending you should get the messages page opens then it should be in the sent page
4 Oct, 2011