By Pontoonpete
Pays de la Loir,
Well here`s my first (of many?) Q.
I have a Russian vine bought to cover a sort of entrance arch I built, I`m very happy with it and would like to propagate it as with the postage it was quite expensive.
Could anyone tell how this is done? P
7 Oct, 2011
Thanks for that Kildermorie I will go for the layering idea as I haven`t yet developed "gardeners patience" P
7 Oct, 2011
Further to K's good advice I would layer 2 or 3 stems, just to give you higher odds of success. If they all 'take', well and good.
8 Oct, 2011
Yep take your point O will do that thanks P.
8 Oct, 2011
if you leave it long enough it will grow everywear you want it as well as wear you dont lol .
10 Oct, 2011
You will get replies on how dreadfully invasive Russian Vine is, but as long as you look after it, it will be fine. You take cuttings in summer - cut off some fresh growth and put in sandy soil. Layering is easier and can be done now. Bring a shoot down to the ground burying part of the stem and putting a brick or stone on top.
7 Oct, 2011