By Catherinelo
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
We've plannted some conifer trees in our front garden, which are quite close to our house. We wonder if their roots will grow so big and long that will damage our house? such as our under-piped? It's been there for 11 years now and they are about 7 ft. tall.
7 Oct, 2011
I don't know. But I will try to take a picture tomorrow to let you see them. Thanks v.m.
7 Oct, 2011
Thankyou - that would be really helpful.
7 Oct, 2011
Having just got our subsidence in our two bays windows sorted out Cath, caused by a street tree 15' from our front door, I would say get rid of your tree before they become too big to handle, they could be huge one day, although conifer are fairly shallow rooted, they all seek water from somewhere and they could damage drains & pipes etc. and then go on to affect your home.
7 Oct, 2011
Thank you , my garden friends ! I 've just upload some photos on these conifer trees.
But i think I will follow Grandmage's advise and get rid of them soon.
8 Oct, 2011
These look Cath. like the slower growing variety of conifer, but I wouldnt chance it, Maybe remove them and make a nice border of smaller plants of which there are many to choose from. They look nice in your photo but it is what is going on underground that matters!
8 Oct, 2011
What type of conifers are they and how close do they stand to your house?
7 Oct, 2011