By Parky49
United Kingdom
what makes the leaves on a hoster plant go brown
8 Oct, 2011
Many thanks we are new to gardening so do we just cut them back or leave them to drop off?
8 Oct, 2011
They will die back naturally. No need to do anything.
8 Oct, 2011
P.S. Welcome to GoY! Enjoy your gardening.
8 Oct, 2011
Hi Parky! I would let the leaves die back naturally and then leave them on top of the plant to protect next years buds! Ok.
8 Oct, 2011
Again many thanks for the advice very helpful.
8 Oct, 2011
Welcome to GOY out for slugs in the spring, they love the new shoots of a hosta!
10 Oct, 2011
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Just now, they are dying back for winter. They'll grow again next year, though. They're perennials.
8 Oct, 2011